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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Allegretto Musical Instrument Demonstrations performed today for William O'Donnell's class at Harwich Tech. We had an hour program which featured Patrick O'Brien on accordion, Clayton March on mandolin and clarinet, Brenda Rogers on flute and alto flute, Denya LeVine on ukulele and penny whistle, David Macadam on various sized recorders, Lewis Masson on Highland Bagpipes, Dinah Mellin on fiddle, and Dennis Dillon on blues guitar. For information on how you can contact Allegretto Outreach call 508-255-3864. We are supported by local Cultural Council grants and private donations. The Cape Cod Foundation oversees our Allegretto Fund in order that donors will be able to get a tax deductible donation when giving to us. our musicians are paid a minimal fee for their time in the schools. All members of Allegretto are able to make an appearance in the schools during regular school hours. Some of us are professional musicians, some are retired from long careers and love playing music and sharing the love of music with the future generations. We also can work on a sliding scale, so that our mission can be carried on: We want to spark that interest in a child so that they say to themselves "I want to learn the violin, or the trumpet or the piano" etc. Music has been taken out of many schools, and we try and bring it back, music is a vital tool in a child's academic life. It helps in concentration, it. Helps with socialization, confidence and it is known to help in a child's math abilities. So many reasons to take on lessons in music, making a lifetime friend (the instrument or two), and creating a source of pride.

Dinah Scene

Fiddling on Cape Cod
Dj-ing on WOMR
Bringing music to the Cape Cod Schools
and adding fiddle to some amazing songwriters' music.
designing whimsical Cape Cod "stuff"
a cocktail dress, a few ties with unusual images on them

About Me

My photo
Fun loving Celtic/Folk/Blues fiddle player and artist. It's more about the interaction with fellow musicians than about being a soloist! I love where I can go, in and around the tunes.. I am an illustrator and graphic artist. Love abstract art/design. One day I'd love to do a cover for The New Yorker.